VigRX-Plus (Phase 1)

08/11/2009 11:40

What's up everyone?

This is my first product review for the site so lets do it!

First of all I have a steady girlfriend so she will be the lucky recepient of the reviews. I went to Memphis for the 4th of July and I was anxious to get back to try the product. Now first of all, before you take anything from this site please consult a physician as most of these products contain herbs that alter your blood flow and heart rate. From all the other reviews I have read about this product is that you must take it consistenly before you see a substantial result. This is different from the the instant gratification types of solutions such as Viagra where you will see a result in about an hour. This is more holistic approach to Intimacy Enhancement. However, during this phase I did want to test if I could feel a difference if I took the pill right before sex.

I started taking the pill on July 7th on a daily basis. I didn't notice any weird feelings or a blood rush and increased heart rate like some of the supplements I have taken that have large quantities of Yohimbe. I had sex on July 10th and to test my theory, I took 1 extra pill an hour before sex. I already was a little horny already from being out of town so my excitement level was high. On a regular basis if I'm not tired and I have a high excitement level my erections are like 90% full or for measurement purposes lets say I attain a firmness rating of 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. So during this session I noticed that I got a really firm erection. One of the things I notice about products that work really well is that my penis gets so hard that it almost hurts. I can feel the caverns being filled to the max. Which is good!

Anyway, during sex I had a real good stiffie and I felt a boost of energy as well. I'm not sure if that was a placebo effect or what but I noticed the difference for sure. I also noticed that my staying power was much easier. I mean I didn't have to do much thinking about other things to distract me to keep from coming. During this session my partner came before I did and after I came my penis was about 40% erect still.  So needless to say I will continue taking this as directed for the next 3 months and I should have an update for ya'll in November.
