Product Reviews

VigRX-Plus (Update)

08/19/2009 09:40
What up doe? Ok, so I been trying this for a little over a month now and I can tell you that I been SMASHING!! LOL. My new nickname is Big Punisher. Real talk, last night I went 3 times back to back with no recovery time! I was freaking AMAZED that my johnson stayed erect after I came each time. I...

VigRX-Plus (Phase 1)

08/11/2009 11:40
What's up everyone? This is my first product review for the site so lets do it! First of all I have a steady girlfriend so she will be the lucky recepient of the reviews. I went to Memphis for the 4th of July and I was anxious to get back to try the product. Now first of all, before you take...